Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It is crazy that a private conversation can become a part of the media. The Donald sterling conversation with his "girlfriend" is all over the sports news. I can't wait until the day that he sells his team. I am more of a college fan then a nba fan because it is more of a pure sport. The one thing that caught my attention in the whole sterling conversation was the the fact that he said that he gave everything to his "players" and they would have nothing without him. We all know that the majority of the "players" are African-Americans, so what do you think was going to happen. I think that he should have thought about what he was going to say, but a bigot person such as himself will never change. He was known around the league as a owner that was not fair to his players years ago. This is probably the only time that I'm going to say this; I am glad that media had a big role in this.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I never really thought that cyber-bullying was a problem until I saw that young student horrific story. I am so out of the loop with digital media these days because honestly I don't partake in it as much as I used too. Listening to that story made me do some extra research, and I found out some more stories that is just like the one we watched in class. I think how the world is today, with technology leading the way, I fear for our society. If you ever heard the saying, blessing in disguise, well, that is what I think of technology/social media/our lives. Yes, social media is a blessing to get information about stories like this one, but more often than not, people use social media in the wrong way. When I am on Facebook, I see so many post about stupid things that no one cares or has the time for. People disguise themselves so often on social media that you can't tell if they are real or fake. I feel like people just want to boost there morality up. Cyber-bullying is the definition in disguise. People are afraid to confront people in real life so they do it on the web. I would rather have someone tell me to my face then in space. I know I can seem like a beef jerky most of the time, and if people had a problem with me, I hope that they would feel comfortable to tell it to my face instead of in space. It is sad to see a little girl kill herself over a stupid thing, if someone could have told her that it gets better then she might be her today. Technology is growing so rapidly theses days, I fear that there might not be a solution for cyber-bullying.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

There is no doubt as a society that we are addicted to social media. The only reason I check my Facebook these days is when I am at school in-between classes. I think I am more addicted to my Espn app more than anything. I check that religiously because I want to know what is happening all the time in all sports. I think that is why most people are socially awkward, including myself. Now, this is where I typically stay in this boring blog formation, we'll not this time. I am person that doesn't want to be bother half of the time, but I'm going to try and go deep in this post. I rarely share my point of view because I am not that type of person. I see throughout the university and especially in class, people staring at me wondering why he is quite. I think people don't think that I am not aware of that, but trust me, I am. That is the way I am but I am trying to change. If you read this post, let me know next time you see me what you thought of this blog and maybe we can have a conversation. I know I have to change for me to be successful at Graphic Design.